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按照我国现行法律规定,行政诉讼举证责任主要由被告承担,原告所承担的举证责任极为有限,这一规定具有一定的科学性与合理性;但过于笼统,缺乏可操作性。文章从举证责任的涵义入手,分析和阐述了原告在行政诉讼中应承担的举证责任,并结合审判实践,对在行政赔偿诉讼中原告举证若干问题进行了研究,以期实现司法效率和司法正义。  相似文献   
巨额财产来源不明罪中“责令说明”的主体仅指对国家工作人员的职务行为具有监督职权的国家机关。本罪采取的是一种实体上推定的立法方式。这种实体性的推定是基于刑事政策考虑而采取的一种立法技巧,不会对无罪推定原则构成威胁,犯罪嫌疑人和被告人不会因此而承担举证责任。  相似文献   
Justifying state punishment presents a difficulty for those who deny that human actions are free in the sense required by moral responsibility. The argument I make in this article, following work done by Double, Vilhauer, and Sehon, is that those who believe that human beings do sometimes act freely face exactly the same difficulty, for no current account of freedom has the sort of evidentiary support that condemning a person to punishment requires; no current account could meet even the most minimal burden of proof. Recourse to purely preventive methods, such as are proposed for a system of quarantine of dangerous individuals, seems undesirable because of the absence of limits under such a system, limits like the requirements of proportionality and guilt. That same objection holds as well against proposals of non-retributive punishment. The adoption of a system of punishment, understood retributively or non-retributively, does not preclude the state even in theory from also adopting a system of preventive measures. The answer that I suggest is a system of limited deprivations of freedom justified in much the way the doctrine of takings is justified, along with the specific exclusion of purely preventive methods for competent individuals.  相似文献   
伴随着社会经济的发展,新的消费理念、消费模式等新兴事物的出现不断对《消费者权益保护法》带来冲击。为了切实维护消费者的权利,丰富消费者权利保护的内容,强化经营者的社会责任,有必要针对新《消费者权益保护法》中对消费者权利保护方面的主要修正内容作出探讨,并浅析相关制度的进一步完善措施。  相似文献   
张昌明 《政法论丛》2013,(3):122-128,F0003
基于典型语境作"非预设性"实证考察,应是我国"推定"研究的基础性课题。分析可见,现行法语境下,"推定"必属"推论",依形式结构可分为"分明推定"与"悬疑推定"。当前关于"悬疑推定"的主流解释,使法律理性陷入了严重困境。随着其表层、中层、深层结构的逐层揭示,"悬疑推定"在法律思维、实体、程序三方面的意涵终得显露。过错推定、无罪推定等所谓"直接推定",实属"悬疑推定"。  相似文献   
近年来随着持银行卡人数的不断增加,自动柜员机也越来越普及,人们在享受便捷金融服务的同时,也时常会遇到取款时取款机吐假币的现象,由于取证困难,绝大多数人都得不到银行补偿,不仅损害了客户利益,也降低了银行的信誉。举证责任倒置和经验法则对解决问题提供了途径。  相似文献   
证明责任如何在控诉方和被告人之间进行配置,是刑事证明责任制度的核心问题。刑事证明责任原则上由控诉方来承担,但特定情形中,被告人也承担一定程度的证明责任。证明被告人有罪的责任始终在控诉方,通常情况下,被告人只需对控诉方有罪指控的证据体系提出存在合理怀疑的证据。  相似文献   
非法口供在我国的司法实践中大量存在,侦查机关还在习惯性地依赖非法口供。非法口供在审判阶段不能得到有效排除,成为我国法治化的一大障碍。借刑事诉讼法修改之际,应当确立明确的非法言词证据排除规则,并完善相关配套制度,以保障非法口供排除的实现。  相似文献   
请求权是案件得以执行的实体法上的基础,执行是为了实现权利人的请求权.依据请求权的基础权利,执行案件可分为绝对权案件和相对权案件.在执行程序中对被执行人履行能力的举证责任分担原则为被执行人必须对其财产状况如实申报,执行中人民法院必须对、且仅对特定案件承担举证责任.  相似文献   
Australian governments now rely on the non-profit sector to provide essential services. Yet, anecdotally, the compliance burden imposed by governments consumes scarce service delivery resources. This study quantifies the cost of government generated paperwork for Queensland non-profit organisations. Fourteen non-profits kept logs to record government paperwork over 12 months. The non-profits also provided their experiences of government paperwork and in particular grant submission and reporting processes. The study finds that government grant paperwork forms the bulk of a non-profits total paperwork burden with grant submissions being the most costly to complete. Costs are clearly regressive with small non-profits bearing a significantly higher burden. Governments need to lead the way and empower the non-profit sector by reducing this administrative burden and releasing the funds for direct service provision .  相似文献   
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